ABA File Setup Tab

Use this tab to set up bank account and file header information.

ABA File Setup

ABA Identification

Field Description
Bank Abbreviation

Enter, or click to select, the bank abbreviation for the bank that holds the payroll cash account.

ACH Bank

Enter the transit/routing number for processing the credits to the employees' accounts. This number is usually found in the bottom left corner of a check or deposit slip.

Employer's Bank Account Number

Enter your company's bank account number that is to be charged for the total of deposits.

Debit Bank

Enter a value in this field only if your bank requires a debit record. The debit record is the charge against the employer's account for the total amount of the direct deposit payroll. This is normally your bank's local ABA number. Many banks have been merged and/or bought, so it is not unusual to have one ABA number for your local branch, which you would enter in this field, and a different ABA number for the home office where all the transfers are made, which you would enter in the ACH Bank field.

If your bank does not want a debit record, leave this field blank.

File Header Records

Some banks require non-standard header records. You can enter two non-standard header records in these fields.

Field Description
Receiving Point

Enter a space here, followed by your ACH Bank number. Some banks require a different number; your bank provides this information to you.

Receiving Point Name

Enter the name of the entity associated with the Receiving Point ID.

Sending Point 

Enter a space, followed by your company's federal tax ID number. Some banks require a different number; your bank provides this information to you.

Sending Point Name

Enter the name of the entity (your company) associated with the S > ending Point ID.

File ID Modifier

Use this field to have multiple files created on the same date and between the same participants. This field is normally 1 or an A.

Reference Code

This field is usually Payroll; however, some banks require spaces.

Additional Header Record 1, Additional Header Record 2

Some banks require non-standard header records. You can enter two non-standard header records in these fields.


Field Description
Pad Last Block

Select this check box to add blocking records so that the total records found in the file are a multiple of 10, if your bank has this requirement. For example, if 28 records exist after all prenotes and live deposits are recorded, Costpoint adds two additional records - for a total of 30 records in the file. These records consist of all nines.

Hard Returns

Select this check box to include hard returns at the end of each line. Some banks do not accept the file with hard returns at the end of each record.

Suppress Commas

Select this check box to write the employees' names to the ACH file without commas separating the last and first names. Normally, this check box is cleared.

"1A" EOF Marker

Select this check box if you want your ACH file to have an end-of-file marker. Many banks require ACH files to have an end-of-file marker.

Batch Header Record's Originating Status and DFI

This field indicates whether the Depository Financial Institution (DFI) (your bank) follows the ACH rules (1) or not. Normally, this field is the first eight digits of your ABA number preceded by the number 1.

Entry Detail Record's Trace ABA Number

Normally, you enter the first eight digits of your ABA number; however, you can enter another number provided by your bank.

Batch Control Record's Originating DFI

Normally, you enter the first eight digits of your ABA number; however, you can enter another number provided by your bank.

Additional File Trailer Record

Some banks require a non-standard trailer record. You can append one trailer record to the file.