Contents of the Manage Compensation Budget By Organization Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Compensation Budget By Organization screen.

Enter the required data to define a new compensation budget, or click to open an existing record for modification. Click to save all newly entered or modified data.


Field Description
Fiscal Year

Enter, or click to select, the fiscal year to which this budget applies. The format of this field is YYYY.

Revision Number

Enter the revision number to which this budget applies.


Enter, or click to select, the organization to which this budget applies. The organization name displays to the right of this field.

Budget Amounts

Field Description
Total Budget

Enter the company-wide amount for all compensation budgets.

Total  Plan Budget

This field displays the sum plan budgets entered in the Plan Budgets subtask.


This field displays the difference between the budgeted Total Amount and the Total of Plans amount.

Budget Adjustments

Field Description
Adjustment Type

From the drop-down list, select the budget adjustment type for this revision. Valid options are:

  • Increase
  • Decrease
Adjustment Amount

Enter the amount by which you are increasing or decreasing this budget. Enter the amount as a positive number. The system computes this value using your selection in the Adjustment Type drop-down list.


Subtask Description
Plan Budget Click Plan Budget to launch the Plan Budgets subtask, where you can maintain budgets by compensation plan within an organization.