YTD Taxes Subtask

Use this non-editable subtask to view the entire calendar year income tax withholding at the federal, state, and local levels, and the entire calendar year unemployment accruals at the federal and state levels.

The information displayed depends upon the employee ID and the calendar year of the selected paycheck date from the header information on the main screen.

YTD Amounts

These non-editable fields summarize year-to-date totals for the employee's tax liabilities and unemployment accruals.


Field Description

This non-editable field displays the employee's year-to-date federal taxable wages. The taxable amount derives from a system-calculated summation of the federal taxable wages for the entire calendar year of the given paycheck date.


This non-editable field displays the employee's year-to-date federal income taxes withheld. This amount derives from a system-calculated summation of the federal income taxes withheld for the entire calendar year of the given paycheck date.


Field Description

This non-editable field displays the employee's year-to-date state taxable wages. This amount derives from a system-calculated summation of the total state taxable wages for the entire calendar year of the given paycheck date.


This non-editable field displays the employee's year-to-date state taxes withheld. This amount derives from a system-calculated summation of the total state taxes withheld for the entire calendar year of the given paycheck date.


Field Description

This non-editable field displays the employee's year-to-date local taxable wages. This amount derives from a system-calculated summation of the total local taxable wages for the entire calendar year of the given paycheck date.


This non-editable field displays the employee's year-to-date local taxes withheld. This amount derives from a system-calculated summation of the total local taxes withheld for the entire calendar year of the given paycheck date.


This non-editable field displays the employee's year-to-date local accrued wages. This amount derives from a system-calculated summation of the total local taxes withheld for the entire calendar year of the given paycheck date.

Employee Social Security

Field Description

This non-editable field displays the employee's year-to-date taxable social security wages. This amount derives from a system-calculated summation of the taxable social security wages for the entire calendar year of the given paycheck date.


This non-editable field displays the employee's year-to-date social security taxes withheld. This amount derives from a system-calculated summation of the social security taxes withheld for the entire calendar year of the given paycheck date.

Employee Medicare

Field Description

This non-editable field displays the employee's year-to-date taxable Medicare wages. This amount derives from a system-calculated summation of the taxable Medicare wages for the entire calendar year of the given paycheck date.


This non-editable field displays the employee's year-to-date Medicare taxes withheld. This amount derives from a system-calculated summation of the total Medicare taxes withheld for the entire calendar year of the given paycheck date.

Additional Medicare

Field Description

This non-editable field displays the employee's year-to-date taxable additional Medicare wages.


This non-editable field displays the employee's year-to-date additional Medicare taxes withheld.

Employer Social Security

Field Description

This non-editable field displays the employer's year-to-date taxable social security wages. This amount derives from a system-calculated summation of the taxable social security wages for the entire calendar year of the given paycheck date.


This non-editable field displays the employer's year-to-date expenses accrued for social security for the selected employee. This amount derives from a system- calculated summation of the social security accrued for the entire calendar year of the given paycheck date.

Employer Medicare

Field Description
Taxable This non-editable field displays the employer's year-to-date taxable Medicare wages. This amount derives from a system-calculated summation of the taxable Medicare wages for the entire calendar year of the given paycheck date.

This non-editable field displays the employer's year-to-date expenses accrued for Medicare for the selected employee. This amount derives from a system-calculated summation of the Medicare accrued for the entire calendar year of the given paycheck date.


Field Description

This non-editable field displays the system-calculated summation of year-to-date FUTA taxable wages for the selected employee.


This non-editable field displays the system-calculated summation of the FUTA accrued expenses for the selected employee.


Field Description

This non-editable field displays the system-calculated summation of year-to-date SUTA taxable wages for the selected employee.


This non-editable field displays the system-calculated summation of year-to-date SUTA accrued wages for the selected employee.

State Withholding

This table displays the selected employee's tax liability information at the state level. The table can display multiple state lines for employees whose state of residence changed during the calendar year.

Field Description

This non-editable field displays the two-character code for the selected employee's state of residence.

Taxable Wages

This non-editable field displays the employee's year-to-date state taxable wages. This amount derives from a system-calculated summation of the state taxable wages for the entire calendar year of the given paycheck date.


This non-editable field displays the employee's year-to-date state taxes withheld. This amount derives from a system-calculated summation of the state taxes withheld for the entire calendar year of the given paycheck date.


This field displays the gross wages for this state.

Exempt Pay Types

This field displays the total of the state exempt pay types. The taxability of pay types is determined on the Configure Pay Type Taxability screen. The pay types processed are detailed on the Pay Types subtask of this screen.

Exempt Deductions

This field displays the total of the state exempt deductions. The taxability of deductions is determined on the Manage Deductions screen. The deductions processed are detailed on the Deductions subtask of this screen.


This table displays the selected employee's tax liability information at the local level. The table can display multiple locality lines for employees whose locality of residence changed during the calendar year.

Field Description

This non-editable field displays the code for the selected employee's locality of residence.

Taxable Wages

This non-editable field displays the employee's year-to-date local taxable wages. This amount derives from a system-calculated summation of the local taxable wages for the entire calendar year of the given paycheck date.


This non-editable field displays the employee's year-to-date local taxes withheld. This amount derives from a system-calculated summation of the local taxes withheld for the entire calendar year of the given paycheck date.

Accrued Expense

This non-editable field displays the accrued expenses for this record.


This table displays an entire calendar year summary of state unemployment taxes for the given employee and paycheck date. The table can display multiple SUTA state lines for employees whose SUTA state changed during the calendar year.

Field Description

This non-editable field displays the two-character code for the SUTA state designated in the employee earnings record.

Taxable Wages

This non-editable field displays the employee's total year-to-date summary amount of SUTA-taxable wages for the applicable SUTA state. If more than one SUTA state applies for an employee, the taxable wages are summarized by SUTA state.

Accrued Expense

This non-editable field displays the employee's year-to-date summary amount of SUTA accrued calendar year expenses for the applicable SUTA state.