Manage Employee Earnings History

Use this screen to view the year-to-date earnings, labor costs, workers' compensation amount, deductions, and contributions for each employee.

The records in this screen are added when you post the Payroll Journal or when you manually add a Z-type record directly into the screen. These records are kept in this table and used to generate/print quarterly and year-end payroll tax reports. The Employee Earnings table is always kept on a calendar-year basis by check payment date, regardless of the fiscal year to which it was posted.

If you are a new Costpoint user and are initializing your earnings after the end of the first quarter, you can enter one year-to-date record as of the end of the previous quarter, and one record for the quarter-to-date wages. Before manually entering a record, the employee for whom you want to enter data must be set up on the Manage Employee Information, Manage Employee Salary Information, and Manage Employee Taxes screens. If the employee has deductions and contributions, they must be assigned to the employee in the Manage Employee Deductions and Manage Employee Contributions screens.

You can also use this screen to enter additional compensation amounts to be added to W-2s at the end of the calendar year. Because this information is sensitive and must not be modified without an appropriate audit trail, you should restrict rights in this table to "Read-only."

It is important to remember that any modifications to this table may require a general journal entry, because data entered directly onto this screen does not automatically update the General Ledger in any way. Also, if you are using union functionality, do not enter information manually into this application; you must compute payroll and then post to the General Ledger.

Do not use this table to correct or modify salary amounts paid or amounts withheld from an employee's pay. Make these adjustments on the Manage Payroll Records screen so an audit trail can be kept.

This screen has the following tabs:

  • Employee Earnings: Use this tab to view check/advice information and federal, Social Security, and Medicare tax information.
  • Employer Accrual: Employer Accrual: Use this tab to view the employer's liability for federal unemployment and FICA taxes.
  • Paystub Information: Use this tab to view information that was included on the paystub or which was in effect when it was printed.
  • Employee Tax Setup: Use this tab to view the employee tax setup which was in effect when the paycheck/advice was created.