YTD Info Subtask

Use this non-editable subtask to view the employee's entire calendar year-to-date hours, earnings, and labor amounts summarized by workers' compensation code.

The table can display multiple workers' compensation code lines for employees whose earnings records reflect more than one workers' compensation code. The information displayed depends upon the employee ID and the year of the selected paycheck date.

YTD Amounts

This group box consists of three non-editable fields displaying the selected employee's year-to-date hours, labor amount, and earnings.

Field Description

This non-editable field displays the employee's year-to-date hours. This amount derives from a system-calculated summation of the hours worked for the entire calendar year of the given paycheck date.


This non-editable field displays the year-to-date labor cost. This amount derives from a system-calculated summation of the labor amounts for the entire calendar year of the given paycheck date.


This non-editable field displays the employee year-to-date earnings for all listed pay types. This amount derives from a system-calculated summation of the earnings for the entire calendar year of the given paycheck date.

Table Window

Field Description
Workers' Comp

This non-editable field displays the workers' compensation code that was included on employee earnings records from the calendar year of the given paycheck date. If more than one employee earnings record exists with the same workers' compensation code, the records are summarized by the workers' compensation code.


This non-editable field displays the employee's year-to-date hours associated with the code in the Workers' Comp column. This amount derives from a system-calculated summation of the workers' compensation code hours for the entire calendar year of the given paycheck date.

Labor Amount

This non-editable field displays the employee's year-to-date labor cost associated with the code in the Workers' Comp column. This amount derives from a system-calculated summation of the workers' compensation code labor amount for the entire calendar year of the given paycheck date.

Earnings Amount

This non-editable field displays the employee's year-to-date earnings amount associated with the code in the Workers' > Comp column. This amount derives from a system-calculated summation of the workers' compensation code earnings amount for the entire calendar year of the given paycheck date.