Contents of the Print Job Title Position Description Report Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Print Job Title Position Description Report screen.

Selection Ranges

Use this group box to define the range of job titles for the report. From the drop-down list, select the type of position description for which you want to print the report. Valid options are:

  • Detail Job Title: Select this option to print a position description for a detail job title.
  • Functional Job Title: Select this option to print a position description for a functional job title.
Field Description

This field displays One as the range option which means you can only select one functional or detail job description in the Start field.


enter the name of the detail job title to print, or click to select the title. The job title you enter must already be setup on the Manage Functional Position Descriptions screen or Manage Detail Position Descriptions screen.


Use this group box to specify the type of information related to the selected job title you want to print on the report. You must select at least one check box for the report to print.


Field Description
Short Description

Select this check box to include the short description for this position.


Select this check box to include the skills information for this position.


Select this check box to include the degree information related to the position.


Select this check box to include the specific duties for this position.

Additional Info

Select this check box to include the additional information about the position description.