Contents of the Manage Applicant Data Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Applicant Data screen.


Field Description
Applicant ID

Enter an ID to uniquely identify this applicant.

Application Date

Enter, or click to select, the date on which the applicant applied for a position.

Affirmative Action Plan

Enter, or click to select, the affirmative action plan for the applicant.

Applicant Information

Field Description

Enter the applicant's last name.


Enter the applicant's first name.


Enter the applicant's middle name.

Displayed Name

This field automatically populates when you enter the applicant's last name, first name, and middle name. The name formats as follows: last name, first name, middle initial.


Enter, or click to select, the applicant's race code.

From the drop-down list, select the applicant's gender:
  • Female
  • Male

Employment Information

Use this group box to enter employment information.

Field Description
Detail Job Title

Enter, or click to select, the detail job title associated with the position for which this person is applying. The description displays in the field on the right.

Employment Status

From the drop-down list, select the applicant's current employment status. Valid options are:

  • Employed
  • Unemployed
  • Disability
  • FMLA and Leave of Absence
Employment Type

From the drop-down list, select the applicant's employment type. Valid options are

  • Full-Time
  • Part-Time
  • Temporary