Print Organizational Profile Report

From the Print Organization Profile Report screen, you can print organization information that shows staffing patterns for each organizational unit and their relationships to one another, as well as the gender, racial, and ethnic composition of each organizational unit.

You can print this report after you have entered employee records and assigned each record with a Home Org ID on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen. Additionally, employee records must have a valid Affirmative Action code assigned in the HR Info of the Manage Employee Salary Information screen.

After you populate this screen and click the Preview or Print buttons from the toolbar, the application selects those employees that are assigned to the specified Affirmative Action Plan as of the Coverage Start Date, and employed as of the Effective Date.

Additionally, if the Employee Salary Information option is selected on the Configure Affirmative Action Settings screen, employees are selected according to the following criteria:

  • The employee record's Affirmative Action Plan is the same as the specified Affirmative Action Plan in this screen.
  • The Effective Date (in this screen) falls within the Effective Date and End Date for the employee record on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen.
  • The Effective Date is Term Date check box is clear for the employee record on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen.

If the Basic Employee Information option is selected on the Configure Affirmative Action Settings screen, employees are selected according to the following criteria:

  • The employee record's Affirmative Action Plan is the same as the specified Affirmative Action Plan in this screen.
  • The Effective Date (in this screen) falls within the Effective Date and End Date for the employee record on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen.
  • On the Manage Employee Information screen, the employee's Termination date is null or is later than screen's Effective Date, or
  • The employee's Current Hire date or Adjusted Hire date is the same as, or earlier than, this screen's Effective Date.

This report includes an organization profile and an optional annotated section that displays if an employee's labor location is not assigned to the Affirmative Action Plan being reported. This occurs, for example, when an employee is working at or reporting to a different location than what is assigned.

This report contains the following columns:

Column Heading Screen Table Name
Home Organization Manage Employee Salary Information EMPL_LAB_INFO
Home Organization Name Organizations ORG
Functional Job Title Manage Employee Salary Information EMPL_LAB_INFO
Manage Detail Job Titles DETL_JOB_TITLES
Manage Functional Job Titles FUNC_JOB_TITLES
Functional Job Title Description Manage Functional Job Titles FUNC_JOB_TITLES
Gender/Race Manage Employee Information EMPL
Supervisor Manage Employee Salary Information EMPL_LAB_INFO