Step 4 Tab

Use this tab to view and enter information for Step 4 (Optional) Other Adjustments of the W-4.


Field Description
Other Income Amount

Enter the amount of other income if employee want tax withheld for other income expected this year that will not have withholding. This may include interest, dividends, and retirement income. Income from any jobs should not be included.

(b) Deductions Amount

If you expect to claim deductions other than the standard deduction and want to reduce your withholding, then the amount should be entered in this field. Use Deductions Worksheet in the Multiple Jobs/Deductions Worksheet (2020 W-4) tab.

Extra Withholding Amount

Enter any additional amount you want withheld each pay period. Use Multiple Jobs Worksheet in the Multiple Jobs/Deductions Worksheet tab.

Exempt from federal taxes Select this check box to indicate that you are exempt from federal taxes. Selecting this checkbox this will set your federal filing status to Exempt.
I have reviewed the information for Step 4 Select this checkbox to indicate that you have reviewed the information for Step 4. This checkbox must be checked in order to electronically sign the W-4.