Contents of the Direct Deposit Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Direct Deposit Screen.

Direct Deposit Accounts

If there is no pending account data, this table displays the direct deposit account information that exists in the system. If pending account data exists, that data will display in this table.

Field Description

This field displays the rank/order number in which the direct deposit account is listed.

Routing Transit #

This field displays the financial institution's nine-digit routing transit number.

Financial Institution

This field displays the name of the institution to which payments will be directed.

Account #

This field displays your account number from your financial institution.


This field displays a description of the type of account to which the payments will be forwarded.


From the drop-down list, select if the account will be used for payroll deposits or health savings account (HSA) deposits. Valid options are Payroll or HSA. This drop-down list is available only if the Allow HSA Account Selection in Direct Deposit check box is selected on the Manage Taxable Entity Settings screen. The value will default to Payroll when the field is not editable.


This field displays the method that you have requested be used to divide your pay between (selected) financial institutions. Method options are:

  • Fixed Amount
  • Percentage
  • Net Pay
  • Inactive

Net Pay is where the remaining (leftover) money should go.


This field displays the dollar amount or percent to be forwarded to your bank account.

The changes you enter will not be activated until they have been tested with your financial institution.


Subtask Description
Current Direct Deposit Account Information Click this link to view existing direct deposit account information. This subtask is displayed as a table on the Direct Deposit screen.
Note: If no pending data exists, this subtask link does not display.
Instructions Click this link to view special instructions about your direct deposit information.