Other Addresses Subtask

Use this subtask to enter additional address information.


Field Description

Select the type of address you want to enter. The valid values are:

  • Home: Use this option to enter home address information (this should be the same home address that you reported to the IRS). This option will not be listed if you selected the Same mailing and home address checkbox.
  • Other: Select this option to add any additional type of address that is not offered in the drop-down box.
  • Overseas: Select this option to enter an out-of-the-country address.
  • Temporary: Select this option to enter a non-permanent address.
Address Line 1

Enter the street address.

Address Line 2

If needed, enter the second line of your address.

Address Line 3

If needed, enter the third line of your address.


Enter up to 25 alphanumeric characters for the city.


Enter, or click to select, the state/province associated with the address.

Postal Code

Enter the postal code. If your employer requires postal codes to be entered in a specific format, you'll see the format displayed to the right.

Postal Code Formatting If your employer requires postal codes to be entered in a specific format, this field will show you the format. For example, if your employer requires entry of the postal plus-four codes, then you would see #####-#### in the Postal Code Formatting field.

Select the country associated with the address.