Use this tab to enter the item details from which you want to access request for quotes (RFQs).

Item Information

Use this group box to specify the item to which you want to access RFQs.


Use this field to enter, or click to select, the item ID for which RFQs are to be created. The item's description displays in the unlabeled field adjacent to the Rev field.

You cannot enter provisional parts in this field. You can add provisional parts to RFQs only using the Manage Request for Quotes by Vendor screen and the Create Request for Quotes for Proposals screen in Costpoint Materials Estimating.

Establish item IDs for parts, services, or goods using the Item menu of Costpoint Product Definition.


This field displays the item's latest revision number, if applicable.

If you are using multiple part revisions, you can use this field to enter, or click to select, a revision number.

Item Type

This field displays the item's classification..

Order U/M

This field displays the ordering unit of measure, if the item is a part, or the default unit of measure, if the item is a good or service.

Always Quote

If the Item Type is P (Part), the value assigned to the Always Quote check box in the Manage Part Project Data screen in Costpoint Product Definition displays as either Y (always obtain a quote for this part) or N (no quote is required for this part).

If the Item Type is G (Good) or S (Service), this field displays N.


This field displays the commodity code assigned to the item.


Use this group box to specify the requisition to reference with the item.


Use this field to enter, or click to select, the requisition for which the RFQs are being created.

Enter requisitions using the Requisitions menu.


Use this field to enter, or click to select, the requisition line for which the RFQs are being created.

Procurement Type

This field displays the description of the procurement type code assigned to the selected requisition or proposal.


Use this field to enter the proposal ID for which the RFQ is being generated.


Use this field to enter the proposal line number for which the RFQ is being generated.

Quotes Required

This field displays the number of quotes required for the Procurement Type.

Subcontractor Agreement

Select this check box to indicate that the requisition is for creating subcontractor agreements. If a requisition is entered in the header section, and it is specified as a subcontractor agreement, this check box will automatically be selected. Any request for quotes (RFQ) added for such a requisition (in CTW) will automatically be marked as Subcontractor Agreement. 


Use this field to enter, or click to select, the buyer to assign to new RFQs for this item.

Establish buyers using the Manage Buyers screen in Costpoint Purchasing.

Load Buyer Data

Click this button to load the selected Buyer onto all RFQ lines.