Use this screen to generate requests for quotes for items linked to proposals. On the Manage Proposal BOM Cost Estimates - Indented, Manage Proposal BOM Cost Estimates - Summarized, and Select Request for Quotes from Proposals screens, you can select the items and vendors (that is, item/vendor combination or request for quote (RFQ) rows) from which RFQs are generated. This process selects those item/vendor combination rows, groups the selected rows by proposal, vendor, and buyer, and creates the RFQ record and its lines.

At the end of the process, the program generates a report that lists the RFQs that were generated. You can then print the RFQs from the Print Request for Quotes screen.

The settings in each group box are inclusive of the other settings in this screen. For example in the Selection Ranges group box, if you select a range of proposal IDs and then select only one vendor, if that vendor ID is not assigned to an RFQ line for the given proposal range, Costpoint displays a message that no rows are found for processing. Similarly, you can process only one RFQ line for a range of proposals by selecting the item and vendor in their respective group boxes.

Before using this screen, select and save item/vendor rows for RFQs on the Manage Proposal BOM Cost Estimates - Indented, Manage Proposal BOM Cost Estimates - Summarized, and Select Request for Quotes from Proposals screens. Then run Compute Proposal Item Costs. This ensures that the costing information is up-to-date and accurate.

Before running the application, use Preview icon on the toolbar to view the result.



Use the fields in this block to create a new parameter ID or to retrieve a previously saved parameter ID. A parameter ID represents a set of screen selection parameters. After you have saved a parameter ID and its related parameters, you can retrieve them using Query.

You can use the retrieved parameters to produce reports and run processes more efficiently and with greater consistency. The saved parameters are also useful and necessary when you want to run the process as part of a batch job. Many users save a unique set of parameters for each different way they run a report or process. When you select a previously saved parameter ID or parameter description, the associated saved screen selection parameters automatically display as selection defaults. The page setup and print options are also included in the saved parameter ID if there are any. You can change any of the associated selection defaults as necessary.

Parameter ID

Enter, or click to select, a parameter ID of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. Choose characters for your parameter ID that help identify the type of selections you made in the screen, such as PERIOD or QUARTERLY.

When you save your record, all the selections made in the screen are stored with the parameter ID. Later, you can retrieve the parameter using Query.

You can use the parameter to run the process more efficiently because you can select the parameter ID with its previously defined screen selections. After the default selections display in the screen, you can override the defaults.


Enter, or click to select, a parameter description of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.

Selection Ranges


Use the following fields to select a proposal or a range of proposals from which RFQ lines will be processed and created.


Select a range option from the drop-down list for the proposal IDs to include in the RFQ creation process. The available options are:


Enter, or click to select, the beginning proposal ID and revision from which the RFQ lines will be processed. You can also enter, or click to select, the revision number of the proposal, if applicable. This field is enabled only if you select One, Range or To End from the Option drop-down list.


Enter, or click to select, the ending proposal ID and revision from which the RFQ lines will be processed. You can also enter, or click to select, the revision number of the proposal, if applicable. This field is enabled only if you select Range or From Beginning from the Option drop-down list.


Use the following fields to select the vendor or range of vendors assigned to the RFQ lines that will be processed.


Select a range option from the drop-down list for vendor IDs to include in the RFQ creation process. The options available are:


Enter, or click to select, the beginning vendor ID from which the RFQ lines will be processed. This field is enabled only if you select One, Range or To End from the Option drop-down list.


Enter, or click to select, the ending vendor ID from which the RFQ lines will be processed. This field is enabled only if you select Range or From Beginning from the Option drop-down list.


Use the following fields to select the item or range of items assigned to the RFQ lines that will be processed.


Select a range option from the drop-down list for item IDs to include in the RFQ creation process. The choices in this drop-down list are:


Enter, or click to select, the beginning item ID from which the RFQ lines will be processed. You can specify which type of part you like to look for when you select an option in the Lookup Type drop-down list. You can also enter, or click to select, the revision number of the item, if applicable, in the adjoining, unlabeled field. These fields are enabled only if you select One, Range or To End from the Option drop-down list.


Enter, click to select the ending item ID from which the RFQ lines will be processed. You can also enter, or click to select, the revision number of the item, if applicable, in the adjoining, unlabeled field. These fields are enabled only if you select Range or From Beginning from the Option drop-down list.

Lookup Type

Select a lookup type from the drop-down list that you will use when you select the item or range of items in the Start and End fields. The available options are:


Use the following fields to select the buyer ID or range of buyer IDs assigned to the RFQ lines that will be processed.


Select a range option from the drop-down list to select buyers to include in the RFQ creation process. The choices in this drop-down list are:


Enter, or click to select, the beginning buyer ID from which the RFQ lines will be processed. This field is enabled only if you select One, Range or To End from the Option drop-down list.


Enter, or click to select, the ending buyer ID from which the RFQ lines will be processed. This field is enabled only if you select Range or From Beginning from the Option drop-down list.


Select Proposal Status

Use this group box when you select a proposal or range of proposals and want to further filter the selection to only those with a particular proposal status. For each proposal that is selected by the system, the proposal's status is compared to the status selections in this group box, and then matched for processing. You can modify the proposal status on the Manage Proposals screen. Costpoint does not process any RFQ line row with a proposal status that is not selected in this group box. Select all check boxes in this group box to process all RFQ line rows, regardless of the proposal status.


If you select this check box, only those RFQ line rows with an In-Process proposal status are included in the process.


If you select this check box, only those RFQ line rows with a Submitted proposal status are included in the process.


If you select this check box, only those RFQ line rows with a Completed proposal status are included in the process.


If you select this check box, only those RFQ line rows with a Closed Awarded, Closed Lost, or Closed Not Submitted proposal status are included in the process.


Starting RFQ ID

Enter the starting ID to be assigned to RFQs generated during this process. You can have RFQ IDs assigned automatically by selecting the Auto-Assign check box on the Configure Vendor Quote Settings screen. You can also enter RFQ IDs for new lines in the RFQs subtask of the Manage Proposal BOM Cost Estimates - Indented or Summarized screen.

Preview, Print, Process, Process/Print

After you complete this screen, you may want to save the settings for future reference.

To preview, print, or process this application with the settings you have selected, click one of the following toolbar icons at the top of the screen:


Click to preview the report on your monitor without processing the application or printing a report on paper. This view is a trial run of the applicable RFQ lines that will be processed by the application when you run it.


Click to print the report on paper without processing the application. This report is a trial run of the applicable RFQ lines that will be processed by the application when you run it. The report is sorted by proposal ID, proposal revision, and RFQ ID, with a page break for each new proposal.

Create RFQs for Proposals

Click drop-down and select Create RFQs for Proposals to process the application in accordance with the settings on this screen. After the process completes, you cannot reverse it automatically.

Print/Create RFQs for Proposals

Click drop-down and select Print/Create RFQs for Proposals to process the application and print the report in accordance with the settings on this screen. The report is sorted by proposal ID, proposal revision, and RFQ ID, with a page break for each new proposal. After the process completes, you cannot reverse it automatically.