Use this tab to enable serial/lot tracking capabilities in Sales Order Entry.

Inventory Tracking Required

Use this group box to indicate whether or not serial or lot tracking is required for this part.


Select this check box if lot tracking is required for this part when performing inventory transactions. If you leave this check box clear, lot tracking is not required for this part. You can override this value for a specific project on the Manage Part Project Data screen.


Select this check box if serial tracking is required for this part when performing inventory transactions. If you leave this check box clear, serial tracking is not required for this part. You can override this value for a specific project on the Manage Part Project Data screen.

Sales Order Tracking Required

Use this group box to enable the serial/lot tracking capabilities in Sales Order Entry and to assign lot/serial numbers, if they are assigned by part number. If the Serial check box is selected and Inventory Lot Tracking is required for the part (based on the settings on the Configure Serial/Lot Settings screen in Inventory or Sales Order Entry), and inventory serial numbers are not required, you must also track inventory serial numbers for this part on the Configure Serial/Lot Settings screen. Both the Last Lot Number and Last Serial Number fields are enabled at all times.

The U/M Code for S (Selling) U/M Types must be EA (Each) on the Units of Measure subtask if sales order configuration tracking is required.


Select this check box to use lot configuration tracking in Sales order Entry.


Select this check box to use serial configuration tracking in Sales Order Entry.

Last Lot Number

Enter, or click to select, the last lot number used for this part (if applicable).

Last Serial Number

Enter, or click to select, the last serial number used for this part (if applicable).