Use this tab to enter general information related to the shipping transaction. You can also capture DD250 specific data, select packing slip print options, and enter packing slip notes.

Use this tab whenever shipping information needs to be captured for a packing slip.

Shipping Information

Ship Via

Enter the ship-via method for the shipping transaction.

Bill of Lading

Enter the bill of lading number in this field, if applicable.

Cons Shipment

Enter the consolidated shipment number in this field.

No of Containers

Enter the number of containers included in the shipment.

Gross Ship Wgt

Enter the weight of the shipment.


Enter the volume of the shipment.

Freight Charge

Enter applicable freight charges for the shipment if you selected the Invoice Freight Charges check box for the sales order on the Shipping tab of the Manage Sales Orders screen. The sales order line charge type code FR (Freight) must exist on the Manage Line Charge Types screen before you can apply any freight charges to the shipments. The Invoice Freight Charges check box must also be selected on the Configure Sales Order Entry Settings screen.



Enter the Transportation Control Number (TCN). You need to enter this standard shipment identification number for all transaction that involve the US Department of Defense.

Call No

Enter the two-digit call order number when shipping instructions are furnished by telephone/TWX message, and shipment is made before receipt of the confirming contract modification (SF30), in accordance with 19-204.

Mark For

Enter, or click to select, a mark-for address code. This is the ultimate intended destination (consignee) of the shipment. The mark-for address code entered on the sales order defaults in this field.

Shipment No

Enter the shipment number, if applicable. Costpoint provides the next available shipment number as a default. Depending on options you choose on the Manage Sales Order Project Defaults and Manage Sales Order Catalog Defaults screens, the shipment number can be optional or required, and can be specific to the project or catalog referenced on the associated sales order. Sales orders that do not reference a pricing project or catalog do not have a default shipment number.

If you use DD250 form, the last character should be Z if this is the final shipment on the contract.

Ship From

Enter, or click to select, a ship-from address code. The ship-from address code entered on the sales order defaults in this field.

Shipment Mode

Enter, click to select, the mode of shipment to be printed in block 4 of form DD250

Estimated Ship Date

Select this check box to indicate that the ship date is estimated.

DD250/WA250 PS Printed

This check box indicates whether the DD250/WA250 packing slip has been printed. Costpoint selects this check box after the DD250/WA250 form packing slip prints; However, you can still clear this check box if necessary.

Types of Containers

Enter the types of containers included in this shipment

Container Numbers

Enter the number of containers included in this shipment.

Packing Slip Print Options

Packing Slip

Select this check box if this shipping transaction requires a standard packing slip. This setting defaults from the Other Info tab of the Manage Sales Orders screen.

DD250/WA250 Packing Slip

Select this check box if this shipping transaction requires a DD250/WA250 form packing slip. This setting defaults from the Other Info tab of the Manage Sales Orders screen. You must select this check box to enable the Print DD250 Packing Slips screen process to locate the shipping transaction and print properly.

Packing Slip Printed

This check box indicates whether the packing slip has been printed. Costpoint selects the check box after the packing slip has been printed; However, you can still clear this check box if necessary.

Shipping Labels Printed

This check box indicates whether the shipping labels have been printed. Costpoint selects the check box after the shipping labels have been printed; However, you can still clear this check box if necessary.

Load SO Standard Text

Select this check box to load standard text for the shipment.

Combine Multiple Issues on Shipment

This field displays the status of the Combine Multiple Issues on Shipment check box on the Configure Sales Order Defaults screen. The field indicates whether multiple issue transactions can be combined on one shipment.

Default RFID Container

From the drop-down list, select the default container type to be used for RFID generation.