Copy an Existing Expense Report

You can create a new expense report by copying an existing expense report. This can save you a lot of time if the two reports contain some of the same types of expenses.

Prerequisites: Your expense report processing capabilities depend on how your system administrator configured the settings for employee expenses. Contact your system administrator if you have questions.

To copy an existing expense report:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select My Stuff > Expense Report.
  2. At the top of the Expense Report form, enter a complete or partial name or number in the Find expense report lookup field to find and select the existing expense report that you want to copy.
  3. On the Actions bar, click Other Actions > Copy Expense Report.

    A confirmation message displays.

    If the expense report that you copied contain expense lines that are associated with dormant or inactive projects, phases, or tasks, the system excludes those expense lines from the copy of the expense report. Another message displays to indicate that some expense lines were excluded due to dormant or inactive projects, phases, or tasks.

  4. Click Yes to continue and close the confirmation message.
    All data is copied to the new report except the following:
    • Expense report name, dates, details, mileage data, or amounts for individual expense items
    • Attached receipts
    • Credit card, merchant, and company-paid items
  5. Enter a name for the expense report and make any other necessary additions or changes.
  6. On the Actions bar, click Save.