Contents of the Expense Report Settings Dialog Box

The dialog box contains the following fields and options.


Field Description
Results List Sort Order Select the sorting option for your expense report list. The options are:
  • Expense Report Date: Select this to sort the list using the date on which the expense report was created.
  • Expense Report Name: Select this to sort the list alphabetically by expense report name.
  • Employee Name: Select this to sort the list alphabetically by employee name.
  • Employee Company: Select this to sort the list alphabetically by company name.
Field Description
Prompt to enter details for expense category This option is automatically selected. Clear this option if you want to enter expense lines without a reminder displaying automatically that prompts you to enter expense category details.
Field Description
Project/Phase/Task Display Specify the display option for the project, phase, and task entries included in your expense report. The options are:
  • Number: Select this to display the Project, Phase, and Task number.
  • Name: Select this to display the Project, Phase, and Task name.
  • Number - Name: Select this to display the Project, Phase, and Task number and name.
  • Name - Number: Select this to display the Project, Phase, and Task name and number.
Field Description
Print Report When Submitted Use this option to specify what Vantagepoint prints when you submit an expense report. The options are:
  • Detailed Expense Report: Select this to print an expense report that contains all the details and information in the expense report.
  • Summarized Expense Report: Select this to print an expense report that contains a concise version of the detailed expense report.
  • Do Not Print Report: Select this if you do not want the expense report printed when you submit it.
  • Print Supporting Documents: Select this to print all of the attached receipts for the expense report. This option is available if you select either the Detailed Expense Report or Summarized Expert Report.