Revenue Generation Calculations When You Use Revenue Categories

When you run revenue generation, Vantagepoint calculates the accrued revenue for each revenue category that is related to a project, phase, or task that you selected for that run.

The following is the calculation sequence when you use revenue categories:

  1. Job-to-date (JTD) revenue is calculated with the user-defined revenue method that is applicable to the revenue category.

    For a project that has revenue upset limits, Vantagepoint also calculates JTD revenue for the whole project to apply the revenue limit. It calculates JTD revenue for the lowest WBS level to apply a revenue category revenue limit.

  2. The period's revenue is calculated by subtracting the previous period's JTD revenue from the period's JTD revenue.
    The previous period's job-to-date revenue is the sum of:
    • The balance in the billed revenue accounts specified for the revenue category on the Invoice Mapping Accounts grid of the Accounts receivable form in Settings > Billing > Accounts Receivable.
    • The balance in the uninvoiced revenue account specified for the revenue category on the Revenue form in Settings > Accounting > Revenue.

    For example, job-to-date labor revenue is the sum of the balance in the billed revenue accounts mapped to labor, and the balance in the uninvoiced revenue account for labor for the project.

  3. The result of the calculation is posted to the uninvoiced revenue and unbilled services accounts specified for each revenue category on the Revenue form in Settings > Accounting > Revenue.