View or Print Data from Previous Payroll Payments

You can view or print the details associated with previously generated payroll payments, such as net pay and withholding amounts.

If you use multiple companies, an employee may be associated with more than one company. The name of the active company, which is the source of the data on the Self Service form, displays below the employee name at the top of the form.

To view or print the data from previous payroll payments:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select My Stuff > Self Service.
  2. At the top of the Self Service form, enter a complete or partial name or number in the Find employee lookup field to find and select an employee so you can review their previous payroll payments.
    If the Automatically retrieve your record in Employee Hub/Employee Review option is selected on the General tab of My Preferences, your employee record opens automatically.
  3. Click the Payroll tab.
  4. In the Payroll Journals section, click the hyperlinked payment number for the payment that you want to view.
    The column in which you click determines which report is displayed:
    Click this columnTo display this report
    Payment Number Payroll Journal
    Net Pay Payroll Remittance Advice
    The Payroll Remittance Advice report does not display for voided payments.
  5. Review, download, print, or email the report using the preview page options.