Sort the List of Expense Reports

You can sort the list of expense reports displayed in the Search field via the Expense Report Settings dialog box.

To sort the list of expense reports:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select My Stuff > Expense Report.
  2. On the Actions bar of the Expense Report form, click Other Actions > Expense Report Settings.
  3. Use the Results List Sort Order option on the Expense Report Settings dialog box to specify one of the following:
    • Expense Report Date: Sort the list using the date on which the expense report was created.
    • Expense Report Name: Sort the list alphabetically by expense report name.
    • Employee Name: Sort the list alphabetically by employee name.
    • Employee Company: Sort the list alphabetically by company name.
  4. Click Save.
    To view the new sorting order, click the drop-down arrow in the Search field to display the expense report list.