Actions Bar of the Reporting Form

Use the Actions bar of the Reporting form to generate a report or schedule it to be generated at a later time. To save time, you can copy options from a favorite report to use as the basis for a new report, or to update an existing report. You can also specify recipients for a report distributed via email, as a link or as an attachment.

Commonly Used Actions

Click the buttons on the Actions bar to access commonly performed actions.

Field Description
Run Select this option to generate the report.
Copy Options From Select this option to use a saved favorite report as the basis for a new report, including all of its options. You can also use this option to update an existing report.
Save Select this option to save the report and reuse it again in the future. Your search criteria, filters, column selections, column order, row grouping, and sort settings are all saved. Subsequently, you can select the saved report instead of reapplying the options each time.

Other Actions

Click this menu to choose other tasks.

Field Description
Schedule Select this option to display the Schedule dialog box, on which you specify a later date and time at which the report will be generated. You can also use the Schedule dialog box to add a report to a profile (a group of reports) that you want to generate on a regular basis.

Select this option to display the Email Report dialog box, which you use to distribute a report as an email attachment or to send a link to the report in an email message. For project reports, this option displays a menu of distribution options. You can select a category of recipients or you can select To Specific Address and then specify one or more individual recipients.

Download Select this option to display the Download Report As dialog box, which you use to directly download a favorite or standard report to a specific file format. Select one of these standard file formats: Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, or Microsoft PowerPoint. After you download the file, you can print the report or save it to a folder on your computer.
Reset Select this option to return report options to the settings specified for those options in the most recent saved or default settings.