Example: Employee List

Use the Employee List report to generate a list of all active employees, grouped by organization level 2, and sorted by employee last name.

Employee List - active employees grouped by org level 2, sorted by employee last name

AR Aged - default options for projects where I am the PM

To generate an employee list report:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select My Stuff > Reporting.
  2. Click the Reports tab to display a list of all the reports to which you have access.
  3. In the Type column on the Reports grid, type or select Employee.
    The Reports grid filters to display only Employee reports.
  4. Select the Employee List report directly from the grid. As an alternative, navigate to the report's row, click , and select Report Options on the options list.
    Vantagepoint displays the report on the Report form.
  5. Use the tabs to define the report options.
    Depending on the report type, these options can include a variety of standard and custom information sections, as well as layout, chart, and formatting options for the report:
    • Columns and/or Groups: Use this tab to select the columns that will display on the report. You can also specify the sequence in which data displays and combine multiple sort criteria. This tab displays as Columns, Groups, or Columns and Groups depending on the type of report that you selected.
    • Options: Use this tab to save sets of options for reuse. The Options tab displays on audit and summary reports and its contents vary based on the individual report category.
    • Layout: Use this tab to specify the document and page formatting properties, field level information, and visual characteristics that are displayed on reports.
    • Charts: For reports that contain charts, use the Charts tab to select chart type and define graphical data for the report.

    For detailed information, see the Format Reports help topics.

  6. On the Actions bar, select Save.
    The Save Report dialog box displays.
  7. Enter a unique name for the report.
  8. In the Save For field, click and select the roles that will have access to the report.

    Myself displays as the default role assigned to the report. This is the role that gives you access to the report. If this is the only role selected, it also defaults the report to a Private status on the Favorites tab.

    If needed, select additional roles that will have access to the report. When you select additional roles, the report defaults to a Shared status on the Favorites tab. The Status column also displays a to indicate that the report is shared with other users.

    The ability to create and save favorites depend on the setting for your security role on the Roles form (Settings > Security > Roles).
  9. Enter a Description for the report.
  10. Click Save on the Save Report dialog box. The dialog box closes and you are returned to the most recent tab you were using.
    The report displays on the Favorites tab in My Stuff > Reporting.