Archived Tab of the Reporting Form (Browser)

Use the Archived tab to preview or download archived reports. You can also distribute archived reports by email, but you must select this option when scheduling the archived report.

The option to archive reports is only available if you are using the Standard Edition or Enterprise Edition of Microsoft SQL Server. If you use a different version of SQL Server, the Reporting form does not have a Create Report Archive option or an Archived Reports tab.

Field Description
Name This column displays the names of the archived reports. A report name can be the standard, default name or a name that you or another user specified.
Created This column displays the date and time that you archived the report.
Expiration This column displays the date and time on which Vantagepoint will remove the archived report. The expiration date and time is based on the number of hours that you specified in Archive report output (Hours) when you archived the report.
Pages This column displays the number of pages in the report. This number does not display until you preview the report.

Grid Options

Field Description
The Reset option is available on the Favorites, Reports, Running, and Archived tabs of the Reporting form. Click this icon to reset the form to the last set of saved or default options for the report.
Click this icon to maximize the grid to a full-screen display. This expanded view reduces the need to scroll through long lists of records. Click it again to return to the standard grid display. For more information, see Maximize the Grid View.
Click this icon to export all the data from the grid to a comma-separated values (CSV) file that you save in Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet application that supports CSV files. For more information, see Exporting Data to a CSV File.
Click this icon to turn the filter row on or off in the grid. The filter row is used to quickly search for a report. For information about how filters work, see Filter the Grid Results.
This icon is displayed at the end of a report row in the Reports grid. To manually delete an archived report, select the report in the grid and click this option. Vantagepoint automatically deletes archived reports based on the number of archive hours specified when each archived report is created. You can also use the Report Administration utility to delete archived reports. Click this icon at the right of the selected row to delete the row. You can delete only one row at a time while using this option.

If the option is not displayed at the end of the selected row, use the Grid Options icon to delete the row.