Contents of the Save Report Dialog Box

Define the report's name and user access on the Save Report dialog box.

Field Description

Assign a new name to the report.

Vantagepoint prohibits the following characters in report names: \ / : * ? \ " < > | #

Save For

Use this field to define who will have access to the report. Myself displays as the default. This is the role that gives you access to the report.

If this is the only item selected, it also defaults the report to a Private status on the Favorites tab.

If needed, select security roles that will have access to the report. When you select roles, the report defaults to a Shared status on the Favorites tab. The Status column also displays a to indicate that the report is shared with other users.


Click this to save the report and return to the most recent tab you were using. The report is saved to your Favorites tab.