Screen Designer Actions Bar

Use the buttons on the Actions bar for the Screen Designer to customize the Expense Report form.

Commonly Used Actions

After you click a button on the Actions bar to perform a common action in Screen Designer, you can do the following:

  • Enter properties for the element in the properties section of the actions and properties pane on the Screen Designer form.
  • Drag and drop the element to a location on the form, on the left side of the Screen Designer form.
  • Resize an added element by hovering over it and clicking and dragging the resizing icon in the bottom right corner of the element.

You can delete an element that you added by hovering over the element and clicking X in the upper right corner of the element.

Field Description
Save Click this action to save your changes.
Cancel Click this action to cancel your changes.

Other Actions

Click this option and then select an action from the drop-down menu.

Field Description
Add Divider Line Divider lines help organize elements and sections on a tab. Click this action to add a divider line to the form. Then, in the Field Properties section of the properties pane, you can enter caption text for the divider line, hide the divider line for certain security roles, and enter a tooltip for the divider line. Use the Level field in the properties section to specify the location of the divider line in relation to its caption text.
Add Label

Click this action to add a label (a line of text or a block of text) to the form. This text can provide on-screen instructions or information for users. You can hide the label for certain users, based on security roles.

The label text is not the name (caption) for a field. You enter the name (caption) for a field in the Caption field in the Field Properties section.

Add Workflow Button Click this action to add a workflow button to the form. This allows users to initiate a scheduled workflow for a hub record. In the Field Properties section of the properties pane, enter the name for the button in the Caption field, select the workflow that will be triggered when a user clicks the workflow button in the Workflow field, and optionally hide the workflow button from certain security roles.
Restore Defaults This action removes the divider lines, labels, or workflow buttons that you added to the Expense Report application. The tables and data associated with these elements are also removed from the database.