Contents of the Matched Credit Card Charges Dialog Box

Review the suggested matches and associate them with one or more existing expense lines in an expense report.

Matched Credit Card Details Grid

Field Description
Expense Report Name This field displays the expense report that contains the expense line that possibly matches the credit card charge. Select the checkbox next to the name to confirm the suggested match.
Expense Report Date This field displays the date on which the expense report was created.
Credit Card This field displays the company-issued credit card used for the transaction.
Date This field displays the date on which the credit card charge transaction occurred. This is the date that is defined during the credit card charges import.
Merchant Description This field displays the merchant or description for a credit card charge, which is imported into Vantagepoint from your credit card company. The merchant description helps employees identify charges that they made.
Amount This field displays the original amount of an imported charge. If you use multiple currencies, this amount is in the currency of the transaction. For example, if a United States employee took a trip to Japan and used a US credit card, the amount in the Amount field is in the Japanese currency.
Currency If you use multiple currencies, this field displays the currency for the credit card transaction.

Action Buttons

Field Description
Confirm Click this button to confirm the suggested matches and associate the credit card charges with existing expense lines in the expense report.
Cancel Click this button to ignore the suggested matches. The credit card charges suggested on the dialog box are then displayed in the Credit Card Charges pane. As you review the charges, you can add them to a different expense report or to a new one.