Expense Categories Form

Use the Expense Categories form in Expense Settings to add expense categories to expense groups. You must set up expense groups on the Expense Groups form in Expense Settings before you add expense categories to them.

Employees can assign an expense category to each expense item that they enter on their expense reports. Information for the expense item, such as the general ledger debit account and whether or not the expense item will be billed to a client prefills on the expense report based on the information that is set up for the expense category on this Expense Categories form in Expense Settings. This allows employees to enter line items on expense reports more easily and allows you to limit the general ledger accounts to which employees can charge expense items on expense reports. You set up expense categories for specific categories of expenses, such as hotel, meals, and airfare.

On the Expense Categories form, you specify the expense categories that each employee group or all employees can use when they enter expense reports. In addition to general ledger accounts and billable status, an expense category can also define override values for distance reimbursement, company-paid expenses, and taxes (for expenses such as meals that are not taxable).