Columns for Voucher Schedule Report

The Voucher Schedule report contains a standard set of columns. You do not have the option to select columns for this report.


Field Description
Invoice Date This column displays the invoice date for this voucher.
Invoice Number This column displays the billed invoice number of the transaction.
Voucher Date This column displays the date of the voucher.
Sched. Payment This column displays the payment date for the voucher: a date, Next, PWP, or Hold, based on the payment terms for the vendor.
Liability Code This column displays the accounts payable liability code to which this voucher was posted. The liability code provides a way to identify the account that receives the implicit posting when the voucher is posted. The liability code defines the credit posting in the general ledger.

If your firm uses organizations and you maintain separate balance sheets by organization, the liability code is also linked to an organization code.

Bank Code This column displays the code/identifier for the bank involved in the transaction.
Age Columns These columns display the unpaid voucher amounts for each age range that you specify in the Aging Date field on the Options tab:
  • If you generate the report in the Voucher Summary format, the report displays each unpaid voucher amount in the appropriate age column.
  • If you generate the report in the Vendor Summary format, the report displays, for each vendor, the total amount of unpaid vouchers for each age column.
The age range in which a voucher amount belongs is based on the dates that you select in Aging Date and Schedule According to. Unscheduled amounts, such as those on hold, are displayed in the Unsched column.
Unsched If you select Payment Date in Schedule According to, this column displays voucher amounts that are not scheduled for payment. (If you do not select Payment Date in Schedule According to, this column is empty.)
If you select Payment Date in Schedule According to, the following are always displayed as unscheduled amounts:
  • Amounts for vouchers with payment terms of Hold
  • Amounts for pay when paid vouchers that are not yet eligible for payment
The amounts in this column may also include those for pay when paid vouchers that are eligible for payment:
  • If you do not select the Display Unpaid Pay When Paid Vouchers as Unscheduled checkbox on the Options tab, the unpaid amounts for all pay when paid vouchers, whether or not they are eligible for payment, are included in the Unsched column.
  • If you select Display Unpaid Pay When Paid Vouchers as Unscheduled, the portion of the pay when paid vouchers that have been billed to and paid for by the client are displayed in the first age column. (The amounts for pay when paid vouchers that are not yet eligible for payment remain in the Unsched column.).