Troubleshoot Synchronization and Connect Add-in Issues for Outlook Integration

Review troubleshooting tips for synchronization issues and other issues you encounter in using the Connect Add-in for Outlook Integration.

Vantagepoint Authentication Failure

For Exchange Direct mode, this notification is sent when:

  • The user is connected to Microsoft Exchange or Office 365 with their login/password, and the user's password is expired so that Vantagepoint Connect cannot use it to connect to the user's mailbox.
  • The user is connected to Office 365 with OAUTH2 token authorization, and the token is expired (because it has been used for more than 90 days, the user recently changed their password to Office 365, or the user explicitly revoked Vantagepoint Connect from accessing their Office 365 data).

The Office 365 token lifetime depends on Office 365 configuration and may be changed in the future by Microsoft.

Microsoft Exchange Authentication Failure (Includes Office 365)

The Exchange Service Account credentials that are used for Impersonated Access have expired.

Microsoft Exchange configuration does not allow you to connect to the mailbox of the user with the Exchange Service Account. On the Groups tab in Utilities > Integrations > Connect Administration, update the group's credentials on the Email Configuration sub-tab.

Sync Cannot Be Configured for Any Users

  1. Use the Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer ( to test connectivity to your Exchange Server. Following are direct links for specific tests:
  2. Make sure that the add-in endpoint IP addresses and required resources are not blocked by firewall or proxy. If your network or firewall is configured to allow only certain IP addresses to access Vantagepoint, you will need to add these Connect IP Addresses to the Allow list for inbound and outbound connections:

  3. Connect uses Exchange Web Services (EWS), and your Exchange server must accept incoming EWS calls from Connect; this means that you may need to set up AutoDiscover in Exchange.
  4. Connect uses the Client ID and Client Secret that are generated in API Authorization in the Integrations utility. If no secret has been generated, or a new secret was generated in that utility, update the Vantagepoint Authorization Settings fields on the Settings tab of Utilities > Integrations > Connect Administration.

User Generates New Secret in the API Authorization Screen

When the client ID and secret are changed in Utilities > Integrations > API Authorization, they must also be updated on the Settings tab in Utilities > Integrations > Connect Administration, or the Connect Add-in will not work.

The Contextual Pane Will Not Open Automatically When Switching Between Emails

To pin the Context Pane for emails, use the pin icon in the upper-right corner of the pane. If you cannot pin the Context Pane for meetings in your calendar, the cause may be a limitation with Microsoft add-ins. The pinning feature requires Office 365 C2R (Click-to-Run), Outlook 2016 or later for Windows (build 7668.2000), or later for users in the Current or Office Insider Channels (build 7900.xxxx or later for users in Deferred channels).

Connect User Cannot Be Deleted

When a Connect user is deleted, all Vantagepoint information, including contacts and activities, is removed from their mailbox. Use the Reset Mailbox action in the menu to remove all Vantagepoint information from the user's mailbox before deleting the Connect user.

If connectivity to Exchange is lost, you cannot remove this information. In this case, use the Force Delete option to delete the Connect user and stop synchronization. Information that was previously synced to Outlook for this user will remain in their mailbox.

Connect users are automatically deleted when either of the following occurs:

  • The Connect user's status on their employee record changes to Terminated or Terminated (do not reactivate), and there are no other employee records with the same email address. The Connect user is retained if the employee's status is changed to Inactive.
  • The status of the Vantagepoint user associated with the Connect user has changed to Inactive. The Vantagepoint user can be disabled without affecting the Connect user.

Foreign Customization Detected Error Message

This message appears if you try to synchronize a mailbox with more than one Vantagepoint user or database. Only one mailbox can be synchronized with a single Vantagepoint user and database. If you receive this message, use the Re-initialize User's Mailbox option for the user in Utilities > Integrations > Connect Administration to synchronize the Vantagepoint Connect with the correct mailbox.

Vantagepoint Error Category Appears on a Contact or Meeting in Outlook

There was an error synchronizing this contact or meeting to Vantagepoint. Review the error in Utilities > Integrations > Connect Sync Options in Vantagepoint.

Connect Add-in Does Not Display in Outlook Ribbon After Installation

  1. Restart Outlook.
  2. Verify that the add-in is installed by opening File > Manage Add-ins in Outlook.
  3. Select a user and check the add-in installation status on the Users tab in Utilities > Integrations > Connect Administration.
  4. Check if the add-in is accessible from Outlook Web Interface (OWA). If the add-in works in OWA but is not available in Outlook, you might have a profile policy enabled that restricts usage of cloud add-ins in Outlook. Contact your system administrator.

Cannot Install the Connect Add-in in Outlook

Your Exchange administrator defines whether you can install add-ins and which add-ins can be installed. Check that Exchange settings have been configured to allow you to use Connect.

Connect Add-in Opens but the Sidebar Displays a Blank Screen on Hangs on Loading

Make sure that the add-in endpoint IP addresses and required resources are not blocked by firewall or proxy. If your network or firewall is configured to allow only certain IP addresses to access Vantagepoint, you will need to add these Connect IP Addresses to the Allow list for inbound and outbound connections:


Connect Add-in Fails to Load with "Token validation failed" or "Session expired" Errors

If the Exchange server on premises is used, make sure the URL is accessible from the internet or accepted on firewall for Connect resources. The URL (for example, is unique for each customer and depends on the domain name and Exchange server address. Refer to the following for a sample URL:

Sync Has Stopped or You See a Red Message "Some functionality is unavailable because sync is disabled" in the Contextual Pane in Outlook

Synchronization can stop because of one of the following situations:

  • An admin has disabled synchronization for a profile or a user in Utilities > Integrations > Connect Administration.
  • Credentials to Exchange or Vantagepoint have expired and need to be updated in Connect.
  • Synchronization has failed 10 times in a row due to an error.

When these situations occur, the user receives an email and a red message appears in the Context Pane, informing them that sync has stopped. System administrators can also receive email notifications by entering their email addresses in E-Mails for Notifications on the Settings tab of Connect Administration.

  1. In the Context Pane in Outlook, select Settings and then select Force Sync. You will receive a message that synchronization has been scheduled. If you receive a red message about the sync being disabled, the message should disappear when you close the Context Pane and then re-open it.
  2. If the sync is still not working, check the user's status in Utilities > Integrations > Connect Administration. If an administrator has disabled synchronization for this user's profile, you will see a message in the Effective Synchronization Status field. In this case, you must enable synchronization for the profile. To do this, open the profile in Utilities > Integrations > Connect Administration and select Enable Synchronization.

If sync is enabled for this user's profile, but the Synchronization Status field contains Disabled, select Enable Synchronization from the menu for this user. Select Force Synchronization to run a synchronization immediately and confirm that it is working. The sync may take a few minutes. Refresh the Statistics grid to see if the sync was successful. If the sync appears in the list as red, click the iButton in the Message to see the error.

Check that Connect has valid credentials for Exchange by selecting Check Mailbox Connectivity from the settings menu for the user in Utilities > Integrations > Connect Administration. If there is an error, you can enter the credentials on the E-mail Configuration sub tab of Users in Connect Administration. Alternatively, have the user enter their credentials on the Sync Settings > E-mail Configuration tab of Utilities > Integrations > Connect Sync Options.

Check that Connect has valid credentials for Vantagepoint for this user by selecting Check CRM Connectivity from the settings menu for this user in Utilities > Integrations > Connect Administration. If there is an error, the user should log into Vantagepoint using the contextual pane in Outlook.

Microsoft Outlook Add-in Manifest URL Is Blank on the System Info Tab of the About Screen

The Manifest URL is populated after the system administrator configures Vantagepoint Connect by clicking the Configure Connect button in Utilities > Integrations > Connect Administration.

The Error "ISA-059 - The request is invalid." Displays When Saving Email Configuration Using OAuth

The Utilities > Integrations > Connect Administration screen is populated as well as the Manifest URL. When a user navigates through the page and makes a change in the Set Mailbox Type field on the Email Configuration sub-tab to Microsoft Exchange Direct Logon, upon clicking Save, the following error displays: ISA-059. The request is invalid.

The fix for this issue can be applied by each user or globally for every user by the System Administrator:
  • System Administrator: On the Profiles tab in Utilities > Integrations > Connect Administration, select the affected profile, and ensure that the EWL URL is completed correctly (manually, not using autodiscover). This will ensure that all regular users are pre-populated with the correct EWL URL.
  • User: The error occurred because the Exchange EWL URL is missing, and the settings cannot be saved until this field is completed. In Utilities > Integrations > Connect Sync Options, you can select Sync Settings > E-mail Configuration. Click Configuration, click on Change, and specify the username and password. Then, use the Autodiscover button in the EWL URL field to complete it. After the field is filled, click Save.

Multiple Web Servers

For Connect instances that use more than one web server, follow the instructions provided in the Use Connect with Multiple Web Servers procedure.