Connect Sync Options Form

Use the Connect Sync Options form to view the synchronization information for Vantagepoint Connect. This includes synchronization status, mail server connection status, and other synchronization statistics. You can also use this form to enter and update your Outlook email and password.


  • To use Connect, the Vantagepoint application must be exposed to the internet via a publicly facing URL. If your network or firewall is configured to allow only certain IP addresses to access Vantagepoint, it will be necessary to add Connect IP addresses to the Allow list. See the Troubleshoot Synchronization and Connect Add-in Issues for Gmail or Troubleshoot Synchronization and Connect Add-in Issues for Outlook help topics for the list of IP addresses.
  • The security role for the individual who is responsible for configuring Connect must have access to Connect Administration. In Settings > Security > Roles, on the Overview tab, make sure that Connect Administration is selected under Utilities > Integrations.
  • The individual who is responsible for configuring Connect (selecting the Connect Administration option in Utilities > Integrations) must have an employee record associated with their user record in Settings > Security > Users. The employee record must also have a valid email address.
  • Each employee who will use Connect must have an employee record that includes an email address and that is associated with a user record in Settings > Security > Users.
  • If this is your first use of Vantagepoint Connect, an API Authorization with a Client ID (or consumer key) and Secret are automatically generated for Connect. You can confirm this on the API Authorization screen in Utilities > Integrations. Note that there may be other API Authorizations on that screen that are unrelated to Vantagepoint Connect. Deleting or altering those could break other integrations.
  • For on-premise deployments of Vantagepoint, using Local Active Directory for Integrated Login is supported and uses the Vantagepoint OAuth flow. Using Azure Active Directory is also supported.