Checklist: Basic Steps to Provision Connect for Gmail

There are several steps required to provision, or activate, the Vantagepoint Connect for Gmail application. You must complete the steps shown in this checklist before using Connect. Under each step, use the links provided to access the individual procedures. These steps are completed by the system administrator with the exception of the last step, which must be completed by each Connect user.

Before You Begin

Administrator Steps to Provision Connect for Gmail

The Vantagepoint Connect administrator must complete these steps before an end user can log in to the application (detailed in step 6).

Step 1: Set Up Integration Configuration

Use the Connect Administration utility to record your Vantagepoint username and password for logging in to the application.

See the Set Up Integration Configuration for Gmail help topic for more information.

Step 2: Optional - Download Connect for Gmail Logo

Download and save the custom Connect for Gmail logo that will be installed and used to open the application. You can skip this step if you will use a different logo (for example, your company logo) for the Connect button in Gmail.

See the Download and Save the Custom Connect for Gmail Logo help topic for more information.

Step 3: Create Custom Google App

Use the Google Cloud platform to create a project and enable APIs and Services.

See the Create Custom Google App in Google Cloud Platform help topic for more information.

Step 4: Configure Connect in Vantagepoint for Users' Google Workspace Accounts

Configure the employee email and security details.

See the Configure Connect in Vantagepoint for Your Google Workspace Account help topic for more information.

Step 5: Install the Custom Google App in Users' Gmail Accounts

Download and install the application from Google Marketplace.

See the Install the Custom Google App in Users' Gmail Accounts help topic for more information.

End User Step to Provision Connect for Gmail for Initial Use

After the system administrator sets up Connect and installs and configures the Google App and Workspace accounts, the users can use the context pane to log in to Connect.

Step 6: Log in to Vantagepoint Connect and Open the Context Pane

  1. In Utilities > Integrations > Connect , click .
  2. On the Email Configuration form, select Authenticate Using Gmail.
  3. Enter your Gmail login credentials and click Allow. This gives Vantagepoint access to your Gmail account so that Connect can synchronize meetings and contacts.
  4. Open Gmail and select the Deltek icon (or your custom uploaded icon) to open the context pane.
  5. Use your Vantagepoint credentials (username, password, and database) to log in to Connect.

See the Log in to Vantagepoint Connect for Gmail help topic in the Vantagepoint Connect Add-in help for more information.