Create a New Expense Report

Create your own expense reports or, if you have the appropriate access rights, create expense reports for other employees.

To create a new expense report:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select My Stuff > Expense Report.
  2. On the toolbar of the Expense Report form, click + New Expense Report.
    If your access rights enable you to create expense reports for other employees, the + New Expense Report option displays a drop-down menu from which you can select one of the following options:
    • For Myself: Select this option to create your own expense report. If you have multiple companies, the Select Company dialog box displays and you then select the company for which you are creating the expense report.
    • For Someone Else: This option is available if you have the appropriate access rights to create expense reports for other employees. When the Select Employee dialog box displays, use it to specify the employee for whom you are creating the expense report.

      If you select an employee who is associated with a different company than the company associated with the currently displayed expense report, the Expense Report form updates with the correct company settings, based on the home company of the selected employee. While loading the correct company settings, the Expense Report form is locked and a message displays to indicate that the form is being prepared.

  3. Fill in the required fields.
  4. On the Actions bar, click Save.
    You can add details in the Expense Reports Form after saving the report.
  5. To discontinue the process, click Cancel.


Title Description

Enter and Submit Expense Reports

Learn how to complete and submit an expense report.