Hub Access and Multiple Companies

When you track multiple companies, some hub data is available to all companies at all times, and other hub data is restricted to specific companies.

Unique Identifiers Required

Because hub records can be shared across the enterprise, each record key must be unique across the enterprise.

For example, if you try to enter a project number that is already in use for another project in another company, you receive an error message reminding you that the project number must be unique.

Hubs Company Access
Accounts By default, each account that you create is unavailable to any company, including the active company, until you specify access rights for it. Therefore, you need to specify company access for each account that you create.

You specify access in Settings > General Ledger > Chart of Accounts. You can add new accounts only if you belong to a security role that has access to all companies set up in Vantagepoint.

  • To make the account available globally, select the Available to All Companies option.
  • To specify access on a company-by-company basis, use the Company Access grid to select the companies that should have access.
Boilerplate Boilerplate records are available to all companies.
Clients Client records are available to all companies.
Contacts Contact records are available to all companies.
Employees In the Employees hub, your ability to access employee records depends on your security settings for accessing the Accounting, Payroll, Time, and Expense tabs.
  • If you have access to one or more of these tabs, you can select employees and add new employees for the active company only. You can see employees in other companies in your enterprise.

    To change the active company in the browser application, click the name of the current company on the toolbar and select a company from the drop-down list. To change the active company in the desktop application, select Utilities > Change Company and then select a company on the Company Selection dialog box.

  • If you do not have access to any of these tabs, you can select and view employees from multiple companies at the same time, no matter which company is currently active.

For each employee, you must specify an organization in the Organization field on the General tab of the Employees hub. The active company determines which organizations are available.

The active company determines which:

  • Payroll withholdings are available on the Payroll tab.
  • Employee groups are available on the Time and Expense tabs.

In other areas of Vantagepoint, you can see employee records from all companies in the enterprise.

Use the Calendar and Activities hub to enable employees from different companies to share calendars, schedule meetings with one another, and share information about activities.

Leads Lead records are available to all companies.
Marketing Campaigns Marketing campaign records are available to all companies.
Projects For each project, you must specify an organization in the Organization field on the General tab of the Projects hub. The active company determines which organizations are available.

By default, project records are available to all companies. However, you can restrict, by company, the ability to charge labor and expenses to a project.

You restrict access on the Accounting tab of the Projects hub. Select the Restrict Charge Companies option, then select the companies in the enterprise that can charge labor and expenses to the project.

Units Unit records are available for the active company.

To change the active company in the browser application, click the name of the current company on the toolbar and select a company from the drop-down list. To change the active company in the desktop application, select Utilities > Change Company and then select a company on the Company Selection dialog box.

Vendors Vendor records are available to all companies.

However, to see accounting data on the Accounting tab of the Vendors hub, the active company must be the same company that was active when the vendor record was created. If this is not the case, the vendor is not available for accounting applications, including Transaction Entry, in that company.

This restriction allows multiple companies in a single enterprise to use the same vendors while simultaneously preserving the ability of each company to establish its own accounting-related settings for the vendor. These settings include default payment terms and expense accounts, discount codes, Value Added Tax (VAT) and Goods and Services Tax (GST) tax code information, Federal ID numbers, and 1099 data.

You can see accounting data for vendor records belonging to a different company.

To change the active company in the browser application, click the name of the current company on the toolbar and select a company from the drop-down list. To change the active company in the desktop application, select Utilities > Change Company and then select a company on the Company Selection dialog box.