Calculation Method Examples for Employee Realization Reporting

Review examples of how calculation methods for the Employee Realization feature affect the employee realization calculation for an invoice.

You enter the calculation method when you enable Employee Realization in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options.

The calculation method is used to calculate the value of employees' time records on an invoice. This value is then used to determine the percentage of an invoice's revenue to allocate as realization to each employee who has time records on the invoice.

In the following examples, options on the Labor Options settings form are set as follows:

  • The Enable Reporting Realization by Employee option is set to Yes.
  • The Frequency option is set to Invoice.
  • The general ledger revenue account, 401.00, is the only account entered in the Employee Realization Allocation Accounts grid.

Invoice A is a fixed-fee invoice for $900. The invoice has $650 posted to the 401.00 account and $250 posted to the 407.00 account. Only $650 will be allocated for employee realization because only account 401.00 is designated for employee allocation in the Employee Realization Allocation Accounts grid on the Labor Options settings form.

Percentage and Amount of Realization Allocated to Each Employee
Using the Billing Calculation Method Using the Cost Calculation Method Using the Hours Calculation Method
Time records included on Invoice A
Time Record 1 for Jim Taylor has 1 hour of labor Jim's realization:


Jim's billing value for the time is $100.

$100 / $525 = 19%

19% of $650 = $123.50

*see the note below regarding $525

Jim's realization:


Jim's cost for the time is $40.

$40 / $290 = 14%

14% of $650 = $91

*see the note below regarding $290

Jim's realization:


Jim's hours for the time are 1.

1 / 6 = 17%

17% of $650 = $110.50

*see the note below regarding 6

Time Record 2 for Jan Carlton has 2 hours of labor Jan's realization:


Jan's billing value for the time is $175

$175 / $525 = 33%

33% of $650 = $214.50

Jan's realization:


Jan's cost for the time is $100.

$100 / $290 = 34%

34% of $650 = $221

Jan's realization:


Jan's hours for the time are 2.

2 / 6 = 33%

33% of $650 = $214.50

Time Record 3 for Ken Brownwell has 3 hours of labor Ken's realization:


Ken's billing value for the time is $250.

$250 / $525 = 48%

48% of $650 = $312.00

Ken's realization:


Ken's cost for the time is $150.

$150 / $290 = 52%

52% of $650 = $338

Ken's realization:


Ken's hours for the time are 3.

3 / 6 = 50%

50% of $650 = $325

Notes: * For the Billing calculation method, $525 is the total billing value for all three time records ($100+$175+$250) * For the Cost calculation method, $290 is the total cost value for all three time records ($40 + $100 + $150) * For the Hours calculation method, 6 is the total hours for all three time records (1+2+3)