Contents of the Time Analysis Form

Select and arrange columns for the Time Analysis report, give them descriptive headings, and associate projects with the columns.


Report Columns Grid

Use this grid to add and manage columns that will appear on the Time Analysis report. To enter a new column heading, click +Add Time Analysis Report Column. A blank row is inserted at the bottom of the grid.

Field Description
Time Analysis Report Column Indicate the report column number for which to enter a heading. You can specify as many report columns as you like, but you can only include 10 columns on any single Time Analysis report. Columns display at the top of the Time Analysis report in the order that you specify on the Time Analysis tab of Employee Reporting.
Label Enter a descriptive label for this column. For example, you may set up a column for Vacation or Sick Leave. Deltek recommends that you keep the column headings short. Otherwise, you may find that columns overlap on the report.
Absence Select this check box if this column represents an employee absence. For example, you select this option for Vacation or Sick Leave columns, but you cannot select it for a column such as Civic Duty.

Absence hours are excluded from two of the chargeability ratios on the Time Analysis report. These two ratios indicate employee chargeability that are based on the hours actually worked. The exclusion of absence hours lets employees charge certain time that does not affect their chargeability ratio.

Projects Associated with Time Analysis Columns Grid

Use this grid to associate projects with specific Time Analysis columns. To enter a project or project range, click +Add Start/End Project Range.

Field Description
Report Column Enter the report column on the Time Analysis report in which you want to include the amounts posted to this project (or range of projects). For example, you might have amounts for project 0000002.00, Vacation, appear in the Vac column of the Time Analysis report. You define report column headings the Layout tab of the Time Analysis report.

Only overhead and promotional projects can be assigned to the report column headings on the Time Analysis report. Any indirect labor or expense amount for a project, which has not been assigned to a report column, prints in the Other column on the report.

Start Project Enter the first project in the range of overhead or promotional project numbers for which time is to be included on the Time Analysis report. You cannot overlap Time Analysis ranges if a Report Column field is specified for the range.
End Project Enter the last project in the range of overhead or promotional project numbers for which time is to be included on the Time Analysis report. To specify only one project, enter that project number in both the Start Project and End Project fields. You cannot overlap Time Analysis ranges if a Report Column field is specified for the range.