Set Up Accrual Schedules

You can set up as many accrual schedules as your company needs. You can add schedules at any time.

To set up accrual schedules:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > Accounting > Accrual Schedules.
  2. Perform one of the following actions:
    • To add a new schedule, click + New Accrual Schedule.
    • To add a new schedule based on the schedule that is currently displayed, click Other Actions > Copy, rename the copied schedule, and then edit the data for the new schedule.
    • To update an existing schedule, select a schedule from the Absence Accrual Schedule List and modify the field information as needed.
  3. In the unlabeled Description field at the top of the form, enter text that describes the purpose of the accrual schedule.
  4. In the Schedule Number field, enter a unique, alphanumeric identifier for the accrual schedule.
  5. To turn on calculation of benefit accruals based on hours worked, select the Calculate Based on Hours Worked check box.
  6. To specify the range of months for the accrual, click +Add Month Range below the Absence Accrual Schedule grid and enter the start month and end month in the new row.
  7. In the Hours Per Year column, enter the number of hours per year that the employee will earn for the specified time frame.
  8. In the Hours Earned Per Hour Worked column, enter the number of hours that the employee will earn for each hour worked.
  9. In the Max Hours Per Process column, enter the maximum number of hours to be earned for an accrual run during the time frame specified.
  10. Click Save.