Select Multiple Values in Multiselect Drop-Down Lists

You can select multiple values, or all values, from a multiselect drop-down list on a Search dialog box in most Vantagepoint hub forms and applications.

To select multiple values in a multiselect drop-down list:

  1. Navigate to a hub or other Vantagepoint application.
  2. At the top of the form, select one of the following options:
    From this location Do this
    Lookup list Click Search to display the New Search dialog box that includes a list of the records related to the lookup.

    Click the More Search Options link to open the New Search dialog box with the Search Criteria grid.

    Hub form or other application Click in Searches and either select an existing search to edit it or click +New Search to create a new search.
    Reporting Click the Reports tab and then click a report row in the Reports grid. The Saved Searches list is displayed.

    Click and select Search from the Searches list. The New Search dialog box is displayed; it includes a list of the records related to the report.

  3. In the Search Criteria grid, click Add Field and then select a field or grid field.
    For example, select Employees to display a drop-down list of grid fields associated with Employees.
  4. Select a field from the grid list.
  5. In the Operator field, select an option.
  6. In the Value field, click .
    If available, a multiselect drop-down list expands and displays a long list of values with a check box to the left of each one.
  7. To include multiple or all values from the multiselect drop-down list, select one of the following actions:
    • To add a range of values in non-contiguous order, press the CTRL key and click the check box for each value.
    • To add a range of values in contiguous order, press the SHIFT key and click the check boxes for the starting value and ending value in the range of values.
    • To add all values, press SHIFT, select the check box for the first value in the drop-down list, and then scroll down and select the check box for the last value in the list.
  8. To clear any value, click the check box for that value a second time.
    You can use the CTRL+click or SHIFT+click shortcuts to clear multiple values.
  9. When you finish selecting values, click away from the drop-down list to close it.
    The Add Value field displays up to three rows of selected values. To view all the selected values, use the scrollbar to scroll through the selections.
  10. On the Actions bar, click Save Options.
    For more information, see Save a Search.