Timesheet Lines Approval Report

The Timesheet Lines Approval report displays details of the timesheet line items charged to your projects, along with the current approval status of each line item. Line item details display for each project/phase/task combination. Individual employees and their line item entries display under the appropriate project/phase/task combination.

Timesheet line item details always display at the lowest level of your project Work Breakdown Structure.


Report Columns

Column Description


This field displays the current approval status for the timesheet line item:

  • Submitted
  • Approved by [Employee Number]
  • Rejected by [Employee Number]


This field displays the state of the record based on the approvals workflow. Possible values are:

  • Start
  • In Progress
  • In Approval
  • In Review
  • Waiting
  • Completed
  • Cancelled


This field displays the step number of the record based on the workflow configuration.


This field displays the date that the employee worked on the project.

Labor Code

This field displays the labor code used to charge time for the timesheet line item.

Labor Category

This field displays the labor category used to charge time for the timesheet line item.

Regular Hours

This field displays the regular hours entered for the timesheet line item.

Overtime Hours

This field displays the standard overtime hours entered for the timesheet line item.

Your company can establish two different rates for overtime hours, standard overtime (Ovt) or secondary overtime (Ovt-2).

Overtime-2 Hours

This field displays the secondary overtime hours entered for the timesheet line item.

Your company can establish two different rates for overtime hours, standard overtime (Ovt) or secondary overtime (Ovt-2).

This column is available only if you set Enable Secondary Overtime to Yes in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options.

Report Sections

Section Description

Project, Phase, Task

Line item details display on the report for each project/phase/task combination.


Individual employees and their line item entries display under the appropriate project/phase/task combination.


The Status column for each line item displays the current approval status of the line item (Submitted, Approved, Rejected).

If a line item is approved or rejected, the employee number of the Approver/Rejector also displays in this column; for example, Approved by 0001 or Rejected by 0001.


If comments were entered on the timesheet for a particular labor charge, the comments display directly beneath the associated line item.


The report displays subtotals of the Regular, Overtime, and Overtime-2 hours entered for each employee, task, phase, and project.

Approved/Rejected Subtotals

The report displays subtotals of the Regular, Overtime, and Overtime-2 hours that are Approved, Rejected, and Submitted for each task, phase, and project.