Apply a Custom Filter

You can apply one or more custom filters to filter the document search results in the Information Zone. You can apply a custom filter before or after you run a document search.

To apply a custom filter:

  1. In the Information Zone, click Add Filter.
  2. In the Add Filter dialog box, select a filter type from the Select a filter type list.
  3. Specify any other fields that are associated with the selected filter type.
  4. Optional: To exclude the custom filter from the search results, select the Exclude From Results check box.
    For example, if you select a project as a custom filter, you can select this option to exclude all documents that are linked to the project.
  5. Click Apply.
    If you have already run a document search, the search results update to reflect the addition of the custom filter. If you have not already run a document search, the top 100 documents that match the custom filter display.