Send a HTML Email

You can send a HTML-formatted email to selected contacts in a campaign using an existing email template.

To send a HTML email:

  1. Navigate to the campaign.
    You can search for campaigns in the Activity Zone. Alternatively, you can access campaigns that you are assigned to in the Campaigns dashpart in the Personal Zone. If the Campaigns dashpart is not displayed, click to add it.
  2. On the campaign window, click the Contacts tab.
  3. On the Contacts tab, select each contact that you want to send a communication to.
    If there are many contacts linked to the campaign, click Search Campaign to filter the list.
  4. Click Process Selection.
  5. On the Select Contacts To Process step, click Next.
  6. Select the HTML Email option.
  7. Click Next.
  8. In the HTML Email step, use the Select HTML Template list to select an email template to use.
  9. Enter a subject for the email.
  10. Click Next.
  11. In the Email Options step, modify any of the options, as required.
  12. Click Finish.