Security Providers

You can select one of four security providers when you create a DMS security definition. DMS security definitions are used to govern user access to document pools within the DMS.

Security Provider Description

Select this role type to grant users associated with a specific role with access to documents linked to their organization.

Example: You want to provide all internal employees with access to human resource policy documents relating to their organization and branch. In this case, since users are already linked to their organization, you assign the F02 All Internal role to the Human Resources Policies document pool. Users can then view any documents that are published against their organization and branch.

Entity Contact

Select this role type to grant access to all users associated with a contact role, and a specific entity type.

Example: You want to provide architects with access to architectural documents relating to their projects. In this case, architects must be linked to their projects through the Architect contact role, and the architectural documents must be linked to the respective document pools and projects. You then assign the Architect contact role to the relevant document pools to grant those users with access.

Entity System Role

Select this role type to grant access to all users associated with a system role, and a specific entity type.

Example: You want to provide all senior managers with access to financial documents for any projects that they are working on. In this case, the senior managers must be linked to their projects as contacts, and the financial documents must be linked to the respective document pools and projects. You then assign the ZZ - D06 Senior Managers system role to the relevant financial document pools to grant those users with access.

System Role

Select this role type to grant access to all users associated with a specific system role.

Example: You want to provide all internal users with access to the Knowledge Area document pool. In this case, you assign the F02 All Internal role to the Knowledge Area document pool.