Recalculate Absence Entitlements

When you make changes to the priority of an absence category or entitlement source, you must recalculate the absence entitlements for affected contacts to update their existing absence bookings.

To recalculate absence entitlements for contacts:

  1. On the header bar, click Admin.
  2. On the sidebar, click Absence, and then click the Contacts and Organizations link.
  3. On the Manage Contacts and Organizations screen, click to display all contacts for an organization.
    To filter the list by contact or organization, enter the name in either the Contact or Organization field, and press ENTER.
  4. Select the check box for each contact that you want to update.
    To select all contacts for an organization, select the check box against the organization's name.
  5. Click Recalculate Absence.
  6. In the Recalculate Absence dialog box, click on the Recalculate From field, and select the date to recalculate absence entitlements from.
  7. Optional: On the Recalculate To field, click , and select the date to recalculate absence entitlements to.
    If you do not set the To date, all future entitlements and corresponding bookings are included in the recalculation.
  8. Click Recalculate.