Search for Records by Title

If you know the name of the record that you want to view, or part of the name, you can use the respective quick search feature to find it. The quick search feature is available for contacts, organizations, opportunities, enquiries, projects, and marketing campaigns.

To search for records by title:

  1. On the header bar, click Activity Zone.
  2. In the Search Activity Zone field at the top, enter Quick.
  3. Click the relevant link for the record type that you want to search for.
    For example, to search for projects by title, click the Quick Find Projects link.
  4. On the search window, enter the name, or part name, of the record that you want to search for.
  5. Click .
  6. From the search results, click the record that you want to view.

You can also use the Quick Entity Search dashpart in the Personal Zone to search for records by title.