Edit a Document Basket

You edit a document basket to update the name, associated entity, and whether the basket appears in your Baskets dashpart.

You can only edit document baskets that you own, or shared document baskets which you have edit rights on.

To edit a document basket:

  1. Navigate to the Information Zone.
    If Smart View is not enabled, use the Smart View slider to toggle it on.
  2. Click the Basket Mode option at the top.
  3. In the basket pane on the left, click the basket that you want to manage.
  4. Click Edit and Share Basket.
  5. Optional: On the Edit Basket window, use the Basket Name field to modify the name of the basket.
  6. Optional: To add or change the record that the basket is linked to, do the following:
    1. From the Entity Class list, select the type of record.
    2. In the Entity Name field, select or enter the name of the record.
    When you link a basket to a record, such as a project or organization, you can then quickly add users from the selected entity to share the basket with on the USERS tab. For information, see Share a Document Basket.
  7. Optional: Select or deselect the Show Basket in Dashparts check box to display or hide the basket in your Baskets dashpart.
  8. Click Save.