Edit the Approval Routes for an Organization

You can configure different request and cancellation approval routes for selected organizations. This overrides the default approval routes set in the Absence Configuration screen, and also updates the approval routes for any contacts that inherit their approval routes from the organization.

To edit the approval routes for an organization:

  1. On the header bar, click Admin.
  2. On the sidebar, click Absence, and then click the Contacts and Organizations link.
  3. On the Manage Contacts and Organizations screen, click against the name of the organization that you want to edit.
  4. In the Edit Approval Routes dialog box, use the Request Approval Route and Cancellation Approval Route fields to update the approval routes for requesting and cancelling absence, as required.
    Select Inherited to use the default approval route(s), as defined in the configuration settings. For information, see Configure Absence Settings.
  5. Click Save.