Export and Remove Documents Linked to an Entity Record

You can export documents linked to a contact, organization, project, or enquiry to a location outside of PIM. You choose whether to export documents from all pools linked to a record, or a subset of pools. You can also choose to remove the documents from PIM after an export.

The export location is defined in the Document Removal Settings, under Administration Zone > Document Management > Configure DMS. Document export jobs run outside of your organization's busy hours, which you set under System Configuration > PIM Configuration. When an export runs, it creates a folder hierarchy to match the hierarchy of the selected document pools.

To export documents linked to an entity record:

  1. On the header bar, click Admin.
  2. In the Search Admin Zones field at the top, enter Document Export/Removal, and then click the Document Export/Removal link that displays.
  3. On the Document Export/Removal screen, use the Export Name field to enter a user-friendly name for your export.
  4. From the Choose Entity Type list, select the record type.
  5. In the Choose Entity field, enter the name of the record that you want to export documents against. As you type, a list of matching records displays, and you can click a record to select it.
  6. By default, all documents from all pools linked to the record are exported. To export documents from a subset of document pools, do the following:
    1. Click Choose Pools.
    2. On the Choose Pools dialog box, select the check box of each document pool that you want to export documents from.
    3. Click Apply.
  7. Click Export.
  8. On the Export dialog box, select the Remove Files On Export check box if you also want to permanently remove the documents from PIM after the export.
    When you choose to remove files after an export, all file versions, linked data, and associated entity links are permanently removed. You leave this check box deselected if you want to maintain copies of the documents in PIM.
  9. To export only the latest versions of the documents, click the Export All Versions toggle to disable it.
    Note: If you have selected to remove the files on export then this option does not apply, as all versions of the documents are exported and then permanently removed.
  10. Click Yes, Proceed.
    You receive an email notification when the export begins, and another email when the export has finished. If many documents are selected for export, the process may take several days to complete.
    Note: You can also view all completed export and removal jobs on the Document Export/ Removal tool page. To view completed tasks, click the Show Completed Batches toggle to enable it.

If you access PIM through the cloud, you must log a case with Deltek Customer Care to request access to the files after an export job has completed.