Create an Opportunity

You can create an opportunity record for a potential future project. Opportunities might come from sales leads, for example, or from discussions with existing clients.

To create an opportunity:

  1. On the header bar, click Activity Zone.
  2. In the Search Activity Zone field at the top, enter Add Opportunity.
  3. Click the Add Opportunity link that displays on the page.
  4. On the Add Opportunity window, use the Name field to enter a name for the opportunity.
  5. From the Organization list, select the organization that the opportunity relates to.
  6. From the Status list, select the status of the opportunity.
  7. Optional: In the Expected Close Date field, click the calendar icon, and then select the date when you expect the opportunity to close.
  8. Optional: In the Value field, enter an approximate value for the project.
  9. Click Save.