Manage Access to Dashparts

You use the User Role Dashpart Security table to grant access to dashparts in the Personal Zone for selected roles. When you grant a role with access to a dashpart, all users with the role have access to it.

To manage access to dashparts:

  1. On the header bar, click Admin.
  2. In the Search Admin Zones field at the top, enter Dashpart Security.
  3. Click the Dashpart Security link that displays.
  4. For a given role, do the following:
    • Enter 1 in a cell to allow users associated with the role to add the dashpart to their Personal Zone.
    • Enter 2 in a cell to add a dashpart to the Personal Zone of all users associated with the role. Users cannot remove the dashpart from their Personal Zone.
    • Clear a cell to remove the role's access to a dashpart.
  5. Click to save the changes.