Copy Rows from Another Timesheet

You can copy rows from an existing timesheet into the current timesheet. You can copy all project, workstage/variation, timesheet category, and hours from another timesheet into the current timesheet.

Notes and expenses are not copied. If one of the combinations already exists in the current timesheet, that combination is not copied; the copy process does not create duplicate rows.

To copy timesheet rows from a saved timesheet into the current one:

  1. Navigate to the Personal Zone.
  2. On the Timesheets dashpart, click against the timesheet that you want to open.
    Use the From and To fields to change the date range to display timesheets for, if required. If the Timesheets dashpart is not displayed, click to add it.
  3. On the timesheet form, click From Saved Timesheet.
  4. In the Fill From Saved Timesheet dialog box, select each timesheet from which you want to copy rows.
  5. To include any hours that you recorded in the selected timesheets, select the Include Time check box.
  6. Click OK.

After you copy a row, you can modify any of the information, such as the workstage or variation, or the timesheet category. To delete a row, click .