Contents of the Manage Contract Management Type Screen

Use these fields to edit the settings for contract management item types. Depending on the item type, some fields may not available.


Field Description
Name Enter the name of the item type. This is usually an abbreviation of the full name, such as RFI, ASI, and so on.
Description Enter a description of the item type. This is usually the full name, such as Request For Information, Architect's Supplemental Instruction, and so on.
Type Group Select the contract group that the item type belongs to.
Reference Prefix Enter a reference prefix for items created for this item type. For example, RFI-, ASI-, and so on.
Reference Padding Enter the number of digits to use in the numerical part of the item reference. Deltek recommends that you enter a number between 3 and 5.
Default Subject Enter some text to display in the Subject field when a user creates an item for this type. This can be guidance text to assist users when they enter a subject.
Message Prompt Text Modify the text that appears on the header of the message box.
Default Message Enter some text to display in the notes field when a user creates an item for this type. This can be guidance text to assist users when they enter notes.
Message Can Be Blank Select this option to make the message field optional. You deselect this option to make the message field mandatory.
Explanation Text Enter some text to display at the top of forms. This can be guidance text to provide users with an overview of what the form is intended for.
Recipients Not Required Select this option to allow users to create items without adding recipients. You deselect this option to make it mandatory to add at least one recipient.
Can Add Recipients After Approval Select this option to allow users to add recipients after items have been approved. You deselect this option to disallow recipients to be added once items have been approved.
Can Restrict View To Recipients Select this option to allow item creators to choose to make items visible to all users, or just recipients assigned to an item. You deselect this option to remove the option - this allows all project members to view items created for the item type.
Can Add External Info Select this option to allow users to create items on behalf of external contacts. When you enable this option, it adds an External Information section to the item creation page. Users can then add the details of the external requestor, such as their name, a reference, and when a request was received.
External Info Mandatory Select this option to force users to enter external information if the Can Add External Info option is selected.
Link To Previous Approved Select this option to add a section to link previous items that are created to new items.
Email Template Click Add DMS document to select an email template for all email notifications.
Report Template Click Add DMS document to select a report template to use for all reports for the item type.
Publish Emails Select this option to publish all email notifications to the DMS.
Email Publish Document Pool Enter the name of the document pool that you want to publish contract management emails to. As you type, any matching document pools display in the list, and you can click a document pool to select it.
Note: This option is only available when you select the Publish Emails option.
Overdue Reminder Time-of-day Select the time of day when to send email reminders for overdue items to recipients that have not yet responded to a contract item. Recipients only receive one Response Overdue email.

Cost Items

Field Description
Add Repeating Items Select this option to allow users to add multiple cost lines to items for the item type.
Costs Can Be Omitted Select this option to allow individual costs to be omitted.
Show Contract Sum Select this option to display the contract value set for the project on items.
Show Adjusted Contract Sum Select this option to display the contract sum with the additional cost items added as part of an item. Adjusted contract sum values are only displayed on items after they have been approved.


Field Description
Completed Communications Select this option to allow any completed items to be attached to current items.
Add Documents Select this option to allow users to attach documents from the DMS, and local documents, to items. You deselect this option to prevent users from adding documents.
Attach Documents to Email Select this option to attach all related documents to emails that are sent to recipients.
Must Be Added Select this option to force users to add documents to items when they create them.
File Types Use this section to add, remove, and edit the file types that can be added to items.


Field Description
Requires Approval Prior To Issue Select this option to require items to be approved before they are sent to recipients. You deselect this option to automatically approve items.
Internal Approver Role Select the system role that permits project members to approve items of this type. Members with this role can also approve their own items.
Note: If you change this role, and items of this type already exist for a project, you can update the approvers on existing items. For information, see Configuring Contract Management Settings for Projects.
Approver Can Respond Select this option to allow item approvers to respond to items rather than having to send them to recipients.
Approver to Add Recipients Select this option to allow item approvers to add item recipients in the approval step.


Field Description
Requires Completion Select this option to require items to be completed. When this option is selected, items will be set to Sent / Awaiting Reply before they are completed. You deselect this option to automatically set items to Complete.
Originator Response Select this option to allow item creators to accept or reject completion responses before an item is set to Complete. For example, if a site manager submits an item of this type, and a contracts manager enters completion notes, this option allows the site manager to accept or reject the completion response.
Allow Documents to be Added After Completion Select this option to users to add documents to items after they are set to Complete.
Requires Response to Complete Select this option to require users to enter completion notes when they complete an item.
Notify Completers After Every Response Select this option to send email notifications to users with the Internal Completor role when responses are added to an item.
Internal Completer Role Select the system role that permits project members to complete items of this type.
Note: If you change this role, and items of this type already exist for a project, you can update the completors on existing items. For information, see Configuring Contract Management Settings for Projects.
Hide Non Completion Responses Select this option to hide all responses, except for completion responses, from all users except for item creators, approvers, and completers. You deselect this option to display all responses to the item to all users.
Start New CM Item on Completion Select this option to automatically open a blank form for a selected contract management item when a completor sets an item to complete. For example, you could choose to automatically display a blank CVI form when a user completes a RFI.
CM type to start Select the contract management item type form to automatically open when the Start New CM Item on Completion option is enabled.
Do Not Notify Completion Required Select this option if you do not want to notify completors by email when they are required to complete an item.
Do Not Notify Recipients On Completion Select this option if you do not want to notify assigned recipients by email when an item is set to complete.
Flag For Further Action Select this option to allow completors to specify further actions that need to be taken when they set an item to complete.
Send Response to External Originator Select this option to notify external originators when items are set to complete.
Run Bespoke Process on Completion Select this option to run a selected bespoke workflow process when an item is set to complete. When you enable this option, you must specify the workflow in the Workflow to run field that displays below this field.
CAUTION: This option must be used with care. You shold discuss your requirement with your assigned Deltek consultant or account manager before you set this option.
Notify Others On Completion Select this option to notify recipients that are added as Information Only recipients when an item is set to complete.
Do Not Notify Approvers Select this option to prevent email notifications from being sent to approvers when an item is set to complete.
Do Not Notify Completers Select this option to prevent email notifications from being sent to completers when an item is set to complete.


Field Description
Send Emails Select this option to send email notifications to recipients. You deselect this option if you do not want email notifications to be sent. For example, if a contract type is simply a record that does not require responses, you might disable this option. Note that external contacts cannot respond to items if you disable email notifications for an item, as they do not have access to the system.
Email From Address Enter a default email address to send all email notifications from. If you do not enter an email address, the email address of the person who actions an item is used.


Field Description
Disable Replies Select this option to prevent replies from being submitted against items. When this option is enabled, new items are automatically set to complete. For example, you might enable this option if you do not want people to respond to a CVI, but you still want to send the CVI to the project team for the purpose of record keeping.
Show Response Deadline Select this option to include completion deadline dates in emails when users reply to items.
Deadline Offset Specify the number of working days to offset deadline dates for completing items. The default deadline date can be overridden when a user creates an item.
Deadline Can Be Blank Select this option to allow users to create items without specifying a deadline date for completion.
Only Responders Can Reply Select this option to only allow recipients that are added as Reply Required to respond to items. This option prevents Information Only recipients from responding to items.
Response Email Template Click Add DMS document to select a different response email template to use for response notifications. By default, the system-configured email template is selected, but you can choose an alternative template to use, if required.
Item Can Be Edited During Reply Stage Select this option to allow additional recipients to be added to items after items are submitted for response.
Recipients Can Delegate Select this option to allow responders to delegate items to other users within their organization.
Do Not Notify Recipients On Reply Select this option to disable email notifications for item recipients when other recipients add responses.
Do Not Send Reply Confirmation Email Select this option to disable email notifications for item submitters when recipients add responses.
Do Not Notify Item Creator On Reply Select this option to disable email notifications for item creators when recipients add responses.

Response Attachments

Field Description
Can Add Response Documents Select this option to allow responders to attach documents when they reply to items. A list of permitted file types displays - you can add, edit, and remove file types that users are permitted to upload when they respond.

If this option is enabled, PIM users can add both local documents, and documents from the DMS. Non-PIM users can only upload local files.

Response Doc Must Be Added Select this option to force responders to add documents when they respond to items.

Printable Form

Field Description
Can Print Form Select this option to enable the Print option when users view items. The Print option is used to create a form that includes all details about an item, which users then download to view offline.
Form Template Click Add DMS document to select a document template to use for contract management item forms.
Attach Form to Email Select this option to attach item description forms to emails when they are sent to recipients. This option is useful for mobile users.
Publish Form On Approval Select this option to publish item description forms to the DMS when items are approved. When you select this option, you must enter the name of the document pool that you want to publish the forms to in the Document Pool field that displays.
Publish Form On Completion Select this option to publish item description forms to the DMS when items are set to complete. When you select this option, you must enter the name of the document pool that you want to publish the forms to in the Document Pool field that displays.
Publish Form Attachments Select this option to publish all documents that users add to items at any stage within the workflow to the same document pool in the DMS.
Publish Response Attachments Select this option to publish all documents that users add to their responses at any stage within the workflow to the same document pool in the DMS.

Standard Distribution

Field Description
Apply Standard Distribution Select this option to automatically assign a default set of contacts to items, based on selected organization and contact roles. When you select this option, you can add, edit, and delete organization and contact roles. For each organization and contact role that you select, you can choose to add them to items as Information Only recipients.

Subject Lines

Warning: Do not make any changes to these options.


Warning: Do not make any changes to these options.